Knowing Your Data

Knowing Your Data Knowing Your Data Inevitably, all Continuous Improvement practitioners (especially those leading projects) will come across a set of data related to a specific process or sample being studied. Data analytics is indeed a key part of understanding the...

Using Gemba

Going to Gemba Go to the Gemba! Gemba has been widely used, for some time now, by Continuous Improvement (CI) practitioners around the globe. But what does it mean and how important is this concept in our continued journey towards operational excellence? The word...

Error Proofing with Technology

Error Proofing with Technology What is Error Proofing? Also known as Poka-Yoke, from poka (inadvertent errors) and yokeru (to avoid), error proofing is the technique continuous improvement practitioners use to prevent errors that ultimately lead to defects in a...

Analyzing the Happy Path

Analyzing the Happy Path Analyzing the Happy Path The happy path is an error-free workflow and an analysis of it helps you understand what a process can achieve and identify opportunities for improvement. Often, we initiate problem-solving discussions by focusing on...

Baselining a Project

Baselining a Project Nearly almost all Lean Six Sigma projects that experience a successful outcome are based on an understandable, quantifiable, agreed-upon, data-collectable baseline. Lewis Carroll gave us the heads-up in Alice in Wonderland and George Harrison, the...