Building Capabilities to Drive Continuous Improvement

Adonis Partners helped a leading beverage manufacturer implement Lean Six Sigma methodologies, resulting in a culture of continuous improvement to drive value.
$ 0 M

EBITDA Impact Over 3 Years

$ 0 M

New Savings Opportunities Identified in One Year

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Staff Trained in Lean Six Sigma

A leading beverage manufacturer with over a century of expertise wanted to enhance operational excellence. In 2018 they began their Continuous Improvement (CI) journey with Adonis Partners, initially focusing on one plant and later expanding company-wide.

Adonis began by identifying four areas of opportunity: quality improvement, scrap reduction, machine efficiency (OEE), and labor productivity. To tackle these areas, project leaders and key team members were trained in Lean Six Sigma methodologies at the Yellow and Green belt levels. Adonis’ lead consultant guided project leaders through structured problem-solving techniques for high-impact projects. As a result, employees received an industry-recognized certification (WIIFM). Success in one plant led to a rollout of corporate-wide initiatives across all sites.

This transformation delivered impressive outcomes including $6 million in EBITDA improvement, $6.9 million in newly identified savings opportunities, and more than 300 employees trained in Lean Six Sigma. The company now operates with dedicated CI leaders at each plant, fostering a culture where employees are engaged and excited to solve problems and drive additional value for the company.

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Beverage Manufacturer

Scale: $145M Annual Revenue

Equipped over 300 employees with Lean Six Sigma expertise

Achieved breakthrough gains in quality, efficiency, and productivity

Generated $6M in EBITDA impact through sustained initiatives


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