Turning Negative EBITDA into a Positive

Adonis Partners transformed a food and beverage manufacturer’s unclear staff responsibilities and inefficient scheduling into a streamlined operation within a culture of accountability.
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Reduction in Downtime

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 Increased Output Through Reduced Sanitization Downtime

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Increased Output Through Pre-batching Process

An innovative food solutions manufacturer approached Adonis after facing operational setbacks at one of their key facilities. They saw negative EBITDA performance due to lost production time and a lack of clear responsibilities by different plant teams. These complications led to sub-optimal performance on the plant floor and continual confusion around accountability. 

Adonis worked directly with the client’s scheduling team to address these challenges. By developing an optimized Production Wheel, scheduling became standardized. Other key initiatives included building similar allergen recipes and preparing a setup for high-margin production lines. Adonis also introduced regular plant operational meetings, standardized agendas, and RRE (Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations) development for key plant leadership. These measures improved communication and fostered a culture of accountability.

Each key initiative drove substantial financial gains for the client. Annualized savings of $450k-$600k were realized from reducing sanitation downtime, made possible by enhanced scheduling and optimized production setup. An additional $250k in savings came from streamlining the pre-batching process, while better inventory management reduced the frequency of scheduling changes. These operational gains contributed to stabilizing the client’s performance and supported long-term growth.

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Food & Beverage Manufacturer

Scale: $34.4M Annual Revenue

Devised an optimized Production Wheel

Boosted output by $450k-$600k through reduced sanitation downtime

Reduced schedule changes by improving raw material supply


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